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Qidi tech 3d printer

(114 products available)

About qidi tech 3d printer

Introduction to Qidi Tech 3D Printer

The Qidi Tech 3D printer is a cutting-edge device that revolutionizes the manufacturing industry by enabling businesses to create intricate and precise 3D models with ease. Qidi Tech, a renowned brand in the world of 3D printing, offers a range of high-quality printers designed to meet the diverse needs of professionals across various industries.

Technical Specifications

When it comes to technical specifications, the Qidi Tech 3D printer boasts impressive features that set it apart from its competitors. With a printing accuracy of up to 0.05mm, this printer ensures that every detail of your design is captured with precision. The printing speed ranges from 60 to 150mm per second, allowing for efficient production of models. Additionally, the printer supports a wide range of filaments, including PLA, ABS, TPU, and PETG, giving users the flexibility to choose the material that best suits their project requirements.

Advanced Technology

One of the key highlights of Qidi Tech printers is their utilization of advanced technology to enhance the printing process. The incorporation of dual extruders enables multi-color and multi-material printing, opening up endless possibilities for creativity. The printers also feature a heated print bed, which ensures excellent adhesion and prevents warping during printing. Furthermore, the user-friendly interface and intuitive controls make operating the printer a seamless experience for professionals and hobbyists alike.

Qidi X Plus and X Max Models

In addition to the standard Qidi Tech 3D printer, the brand offers the Qidi X Plus and Qidi X Max models, which cater to the needs of users looking for enhanced capabilities. The Qidi X Plus features a larger build volume, allowing for the creation of bigger models, while the Qidi X Max boasts an even larger build volume and additional features for advanced printing projects.

Benefits of Qidi Tech 3D Printers

Investing in a Qidi Tech 3D printer offers businesses a myriad of benefits, including cost-effectiveness, as in-house printing reduces outsourcing expenses. The high precision and accuracy of the printers ensure consistent quality in every print, leading to improved productivity and customer satisfaction. Moreover, the versatility of Qidi Tech printers allows for the creation of complex designs and prototypes with ease, making them ideal for rapid prototyping and product development.

Choosing the Right Qidi Tech 3D Printer

When selecting a Qidi Tech 3D printer for your business, consider factors such as your printing volume requirements, desired printing speed, and the complexity of models you plan to create. If you prioritize large-scale printing, the Qidi X Plus or Qidi X Max models may be more suitable, whereas the standard Qidi Tech printer is ideal for small to medium-sized projects. Additionally, factor in your budget and the level of technical support offered by the manufacturer to ensure a seamless printing experience.

Maintenance and Care

To ensure optimal performance and longevity of your Qidi Tech 3D printer, regular maintenance is essential. Clean the print bed and nozzles regularly to prevent clogs and ensure smooth printing. Calibrate the printer as per the manufacturer's guidelines to maintain accuracy in printing. Additionally, keep the printer firmware updated to access the latest features and improvements. By following these maintenance practices, you can prolong the lifespan of your Qidi Tech printer and continue to produce high-quality prints.


In conclusion, Qidi Tech 3D printers stand out in the market for their advanced technology, high precision, and versatility, making them a valuable asset for businesses seeking to enhance their manufacturing capabilities. Whether you opt for the standard model or choose the Qidi X Plus or Qidi X Max, you can be assured of top-notch performance and reliability in every print. Embrace the future of manufacturing with Qidi Tech and unlock endless possibilities in 3D printing.