Shipment destination
Transit Time (Days)
10 - 30 Days
Product Type
Special(Dangerous) Goods, General(Non-dangerous) Goods
Price validity
1 - 3 Y/M/D
Place of Origin
Guangdong, China
Model Number
Shipping Agent
Origin City
שנז 'ן/גואנגג' ואו/שאנגחאי/qingdao
Dangerous goods consultation, 24/7 Customer support, Local storage, Customized packaging and labeling, Dangerous goods transportation, Loading and unloading
Local pick up at origin
Storage service
Origin storage
Destination customs clearance party
Shipment dispatch time (Days)
3 Days
שם המוצר
המשלח אל דומיננטי
מילות מפתח
סוכן לוגיסטיקה לדומיניקן